Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What Really Causes Your Acne

Find out what really causes your acne and how to defeat it in this brief article...

Most advice about treating acne is mostly useless and involves recommendations of expensive acne cleanser 'systems'. They never tell you about the REAL cause of acne - food.

I suffered from acne for many years and it wasn't until I made some simple changes to my diet that my acne cleared up.

This was after spending many years and lots of money on all the different acne products on the market. They all proved to be ineffective, expensive and a complete waste of time. This included the big acne products widely promoted on the internet.

So what food causes acne? Two words...

Vegetable oil. This type of food causes hormonal inflammation which results in acne breakouts.

Foods that contain vegetable oil (and causes acne) includes:

- cooking oils like sunflower oil

- junk food like cookies (biscuits) and chips (crisps)

- SOME pasta sauces and pesto

These are the main sources of vegetable oil that I definitely make sure to avoid.

By avoiding vegetable oil you will see a DRAMATIC improvement in your acne. Do it for a few days and see the difference for yourself.

For me, it made a huge difference, and really cleared my skin. There was a few other things I needed to do for a complete clear up of my acne, but avoiding veg. oil was the best thing I ever did. For more information on clearing your acne

If you’re still feeling emotionally overwhelmed and possibly depressed, see

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